What does it mean to be a Female Sadist in such a male-centric world? How did these women break the mold and build reputations for being as– or even sometimes even more– brutal than the boys. What goes through their mind as they deliver a blow or pierce the flesh, and what drives them to push the envelope even further?
Come celebrate these endearing and sadistic women. Panelists include but not limited to:
Megan McCord – http://www.mistressmeganmccord.com/
hidesthepig – http://www.ritualsurrender.com/
Elena Deluca – http://www.elenadeluca.com/
Lucy Sweetkill – http://lucysweetkill.com/
Katsura – katwithakink.com
Fetlife RSVP: https://fetlife.com/events/482226