Drawing on past long-term M/s polyamorous relationships, Cali Rain and Meanstreakmilewide will discuss the successes and failures, trials and errors (and errors and errors), and pitfalls and solutions they have found in non-monogamous power exchange relationships. Topics will include: planning and building extended power dynamics; using power exchange to address multi-partner issues; and tips for better problem solving and communication.
Cali Reign is a polyamorous adult film actor, professional sexual deviant, and expert-level mischief-maker. She has a passion for the therapeutic magic of kink and a reverence for the healing powers of sex work. She loves sharing her stories and hearing yours. She feels at home in the fringes of society. She presents at TES when available. She dedicates herself to worshiping the whores of society and turning strip clubs into temples. She coordinates kink events and loves that this community honors vulnerability.
Meanstreakmilewide is a dominant, sadistic, polyamorous, professional-fitness-monster-world-champion-athlete, anarcho-syndicalist, vegetarian, former music growler, radical lawyer. Lifetime lifestyle leaning type with over a decade of experience living down this rabbit hole with a tendency for M/s TPE 24/7 type of connections which are designed to better both. He teaches and writes on topics of kink and the law, polyamory and power exchange, and whatever strikes his fancy or the community asks for.
TES Members $5 Students & Military with ID $10 Reciprocal Groups $10 Non-Members $20 Cash Only
Doors open at 7, class starts at 7:30